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Olive Gaea supports Only Ethikal with Carbon Neutral Logistics

Olive Gaea is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with the sustainable fashion brand Only Ethikal. This partnership marks a significant step towards addressing the carbon emissions associated with the transportation of Only Ethikal’s products from their source to their clients’ doorsteps. Through this partnership, Olive Gaea enables Only Ethikal to measure and offset Upstream Transportation emissions, encompassing road transportation and air freight. Moreover, our e-commerce API empowers customers to neutralize the emissions from last-mile deliveries right at the checkout, supporting verified carbon offsetting projects for a nominal fee.

Shared Commitment to Climate Action

In today’s world, climate change is an undeniable reality, and its consequences are increasingly evident. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a significant driver of this change, leading to rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and a host of environmental challenges. GHG emissions encompass gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) released into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to a “greenhouse effect” that warms the planet, resulting in climate change with wide-ranging impacts on ecosystems, sea levels, and weather patterns. According to researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Supply Chains Initiative, freight transportation contributes approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Add warehousing operations and this figure inflates to 11%.

What is Carbon Offsetting? 

Carbon offsetting is a crucial tool in mitigating climate change. They allow organizations and individuals to compensate for hard-to-abate emissions by investing in projects that reduce or capture an equivalent amount of GHG emissions elsewhere. Purchasing carbon credits effectively neutralizes the emissions associated with various activities.

Our Contribution to Emissions Offsetting

Olive Gaea is committed to climate responsibility and sustainability. Our collaboration with Only Ethikal is a testament to this commitment, as we address Scope 3 GHG emissions generated during the transportation and logistics of sustainable fashion products. We measure emissions from the upstream transportation of products in line with the GHG Protocol, encompassing road transportation from suppliers to the origin country location and air freight from the origin country location to the final customer. Olive Gaea also enables the neutralization of these emissions through the purchase of carbon credits, effectively offsetting the emissions within the supply chain logistics.

Our Selected Carbon Offset Project

For this initiative, Only Ethikal selected the Verra-certified Darıca-1 Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) carbon offset project. This latter’s primary objective is to provide 110 MW of renewable electricity to the national grid in Turkey. Located in the Black Sea region, the Darıca-1 HPP project not only combats climate change but also aligns with key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 13 (Climate Action), delivering positive socio-economic impacts.

Join Olive Gaea in the Climate Solution

Greenhouse gas emissions are a significant contributor to climate change, and addressing them is a collective responsibility. Together, we can drive meaningful change towards a more sustainable and climate-friendly future. Contact us today to manage your carbon emissions and take climate action!

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